5 Steps to Setup WordPress on Localhost


WordPress is the most popular web platform now, more than 30% website in the world was built using WordPress. So in this article we will share about tutorial how to setup or install wordpress on localhost. Below is step by step how to setup wordpress on localhost. Let’s scroll and check the detail step by step install wordpress on localhost.

Step 1. Download WAMP or XAMPP as web server
Step 2. Install & Run the WAMP or XAMPP on Your PC as web server
Step 3. Download WordPress Latest Version
Step 4. Create a Database in MySQL
Step 5. Install WordPress on Localhost

So, let’s start step by step below

Step 1. Download WAMP or XAMPP as web server
To running website on your local pc or laptop you need to install WAMP Server or XAMPP as a web server on your pc or laptop. To use XAMPP as web server, first you need to download via their official website at www.apachefriends.org. And to use WAMP Server you can download via their website at www.wampserver.com.

Download XAMPP apachefriends
Download XAMPP apachefriends

Step 2. Install & Run the WAMP or XAMPP on Your PC as web server
After success download WAMP or XAMPP as web server, next is to install in your pc or your laptop.

Step 3. Download WordPress Latest Version
Next step is to download WordPress as web platform, to use wordpress as web platform in your localhost yo need to download the latest wordpress version via their official website at wordpress.org.

Download WordPress platform
Download WordPress platform

Step 4. Create a Database in MySQL
Next step before running wordpress installation is to running your WAMP or XAMPP web server and create one database you want to store WordPress data.

Step 5. Install WordPress on Localhost
Final step is to install WordPress on localhost, below step by step to install wordpress in web server your localhost.

1. Create Folder WordPress Project
Step one to install wordpress is to create project name in your web server, if using XAMPP as web server you need to create project name in folder “htdocs”, so if you using WAMP as web server your need to create wordpress project name in folder “www”, so in this tutorial we use WAMP64 as web server. Next is to extract your wordpress platform to your wordpress project.

2. Run WordPress Installation
Next step is to run your wordpress installation via web browser, please open your web browser and run wordpress installation via url such as like this http://localhost/wordpressprojectname, then follow the process until success as shown in
the following step by step installation below.

WordPress Setup Configuration File localhost
WordPress Setup Configuration File localhost
WordPress Setup Configuration Database
WordPress Setup Configuration Database
WordPress Setup Configuration File Ready To Run
WordPress Setup Configuration File Ready To Run
WordPress Installation Setup Title and Password
WordPress Installation Setup Title and Password
WordPress Success Installation
WordPress Success Installation
Wordpress Form Login
WordPress Form Login
WordPress Dashboard
WordPress Dashboard

Now your wordpress website is ready to use.